200mm Velcro Flexpad

Size Softie Soft Medium Hard

Flexpad made in the U.S.A   8" x 1 1/2" with 14mm thread

200mm  Soft.  This is a very popular all Yellow Foam SOFT sanding pad. It is used for finish sanding.  It's soft, so you have to run it slower.

200mm Medium. Use the Red/White MEDIUM FLEXPAD after you use the Orange Hard pad with a lighter sandpaper to get scratches out of your work. This is a great all around sanding pad. The flex is between the soft and hard pad.

200mm Hard. The Orange/White Flexpad is tough. Used for rough sanding. You can flatten the bumps, grind fin boxes and glass fins with this pad, no problems. A good Boat Builders sanding pad.

Also recommended for Boat Builders.  Flexpad is universally sold to the Boat Building Industry and Automotive Industry.


Price Insrease 4th Feb 2016